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May 23rd-25th Moonrise!

Happy Sagittarius Full Moon. Today is our May Flower Moon. It’s a great time to soak up the energies for a recharge. It’s also a great...

May 21-23rd Our 3rd of the 2024 Ascended Masters Full Moons ! Each year. As the trilogy of Higher...

May 21st Podcast eve 8pm Eastern time

Full Moon podcast !!!! Our Sagittarius ♐️ Ascended Masters Full Moon @2°55 of Mutable...

Moon Day 5-13 2024.

As our moon is lit up in Solar Star sign of Leo ♌️ 5-13.. The ruling agent of sign Leo ♌️ The Sun, is meeting up to Uranus in Earth sign...

May 10 / 11 2024

Fantastic Northern Lights globally ! May 10th into the 11th! The Alaska H.A.A.R.P facility also was "actively being tested !" Research!

May 5th -7th

New Moon 🌚 Taurus podcast May 7th YouTube Channel Lighting the void radio 10pm-Midnight Eastern time All about the Celestial themes of...

5-2 Pluto Rx Aquarius ♒️

Pluto ( governs deepest soul transformations) in this Earth life ! Over May 1-2 is turning retrograde ..starting at 2 degrees of Aquarius...

May Delites 2024

Our 5th month of 2024. Taurus ♉️ Earth 🌎 element is strong! Venus moved into Taurus ♉️ joining Uranus ..Jupiter & the Sun! Over May 7th...

Podcast eve 4-23 8pm Eastern Click this link :

Jupiter / Uranus alignment

April 20th a new bold 14 year long Celestial cycle begins ! You'll read many versions of this planetary meet up that starts over 4-20!...

Dueling Eclipses

These Dual Eclipses.. Prompt us to heal..Stop repeating the same ole / same ole expectations from another !! Satisfy. .Fortify yourself

April impacts !

April 2024.. Wowza month of year 2024! First..our Numerological vibration is 12/ 3 ..( 2+0+2+4 =8) April 4th month of 2024.. 8+4=12 /...

Libra Eclipse ♎️

Libra energies at a Full Moon eclipse resukt in huge wake up call types of drama regarding our significant others!...

Aries ♈️ 2024

Today, we celebrate the equinox! We also step boldly into Aries season, a time of renewal, leadership, and initiating change. As we enter...

Eyes 👀 that..WILL See

Full Moon Virgo ♍️ The issues arise that need changes

Virgo Full Moon 2/23-24

Virgo ♍️ insights The Virgo ♍️ Full Moon podcast is now uploaded onto YOUTUBE channel: Nicole Frolick EnlightenUp

Lunar New 🌚 Moon Aquarian planet parade In EACH of our personal Earth 🌎 Birth Star Maps.. Locate your "houses"...

February 9th podcast

♒️ Aquarius New Moon 🌚 live audience broadcast.. 10pm Eastern time Fringe.FM Our Aquarius planetary revolution! Our once in this...

Leo Full Moons♌️ podcast

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