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5-2 Pluto Rx Aquarius ♒️

Pluto ( governs deepest soul transformations) in this Earth life !

Over May 1-2 is turning retrograde ..starting at 2 degrees of Aquarius ♒️.

Fighting our repressed ANGERS

( Mars in power place sign Aries ♈️)

Embedded woundedness in relation to intimacy expectations or frustrations!

Pluto ..Will bring up our agendas involving manipulative moves !!!

Signs Libra/ Cancer / Aries & Pisces are going to be in a spotlight that requires attention to destructive habits..

Addiction to "being always busy" in order to ( again ) AVOID actually reforming your self destructive ways.

Pluto ..retrograde until mid October 2024..

Gifts us ABILITY to release our embedded DRAMA !

Toxic drama ...drains you!!!

Face the problems !

Be accountable!!

Here's the Deets!

Pluto Goes Retrograde in Aquarius, May 2nd, 2024

Today, May 2, 2024, Pluto beginning its retrograde motion in the sign of Aquarius. Known as the planet of transformation and regeneration, Pluto's retrograde phase, which will last until October 11th 2024, invites us to explore our inner depths, release the past, and embrace growth. It’s a transformative journey that encourages us to evolve while honoring our roots.

Understanding Pluto Retrograde

Pluto, known for its slow orbit, spends approximately 12 to 31 years in each zodiac sign. Its retrograde phases, which occur annually for about five to six months, are periods when the transformative energy of Pluto turns inward, intensifying introspection on issues of power, renewal, and rebirth.

The Significance of Aquarius

Having entered Aquarius earlier this year, Pluto will be in this sign until 2043, heralding a long-term cycle of radical change particularly focused on social justice, technological advancements, and innovative ways of community living. Aquarius, an air sign, promotes ideals concerning equality, community, and idealism. During Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius, these themes will become even more pronounced, urging us to reevaluate and potentially transform these critical areas.

Self-Reflection and Transformation:

Pluto retrograde encourages deep introspection. Use this time to explore your inner world, uncover hidden motivations, and transform any negative patterns. Consider therapy, meditation, or journaling to delve into your subconscious mind.

Release and Let Go:

Pluto represents death and rebirth. During retrograde, release what no longer serves you. This could be old habits, toxic relationships, or outdated beliefs. Declutter your physical space and declutter your mind.

Power Dynamics and Control:

Pluto governs power dynamics. Reflect on how you use or misuse power in your life.

Avoid power struggles and control issues. Instead, focus on empowering yourself and others.

Research and Investigation:

Pluto retrograde is a great time for research and investigation. Dig deep into any mysteries or unresolved issues. Uncover hidden truths and seek clarity.

Revisit Past Traumas:

Pluto retrograde may bring up past traumas. Be gentle with yourself and consider seeking professional help if needed. Healing old wounds can lead to profound growth.

Social Causes and Collective Transformation:

Aquarius is a sign of social justice and collective consciousness. Use this retrograde to get involved in causes that matter to you. Advocate for positive change and connect with like-minded individuals.

Remember that retrogrades are opportunities for growth and reflection. Embrace the energy of Pluto in Aquarius, and allow it to guide you toward positive transformation. Powerful time to embrace change and work towards creating the new earth.

Own your own issues !

Do your psychological deep dive !

Allow Divine Source Presence to be involved !

Consider..getting a consult with yours truly also !

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