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Virgo Full Moon 2/23-24

The Virgo ♍️ Full Moon podcast is now uploaded onto YOUTUBE channel:

Nicole Frolick EnlightenUp

The Virgo ♍️ Full Moon podcast is now uploaded onto YOUTUBE channel:

Nicole Frolick EnlightenUp

Please 🙏 go on the 👍 Thumbs 👍 up symbol!!!

Pisces ♓️ Season is ALL ABOUT OUR

Dream weaving skill sets ..

Trance states...dreams bringing solutions to our over active minds!!!

Pisces ♓️ is the deepest levels of our feeling states.. it..feel it through in order to HEAL it thoroughly.

♍️ Our Virgo Full Moon 2/ 23-24th..

Provides technical answers ..

Needed resolutions ..

New WAYS & MEANS of receiving valuable insights!

This February Virgo ♍️ Full Moon is tied to our September 2024 NEW MOON 🌚 In Virgo ♍️!!!

So..make some notes..

Write key events of this late February in your journals..note those specific dream images !!!!

As..they could even be prophetic dreams !

Take a notepad / pen with you as you retire for your sleepy time !

Then you awaken ..either to go use the restroom ..or to arise to greet & start the new HAVE THE WRITING PAD available!!

This tends to HELP you remember those vital dream symbol details !!

So..that's your Mystic Mary teaching moment for this month !!! writing pad right by that bed you sleep in..nightly!

Leave it there !!

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