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February 9th podcast

♒️ Aquarius New Moon 🌚 live audience broadcast..

10pm Eastern time Fringe.FM

Our Aquarius planetary revolution!

Our once in this lifetime Pluto transiting into Aquarius ♒️ ✨️ 1-20-2024..for the next several years- brings internal / external life transformations !!

Especially potent for Aquarius ♒️ &

Leo ♌️ born!!!

We each SEE now..what absolutely must be confronted..reformed..leveled up!

If you've become ADDICTED ..fallen under the powers of external substances..drugs..alcohol..self pleasure seeking overloads..

2024 brings those consequences!

Those very greet you .

You'll see VERY clearly ...WHERE..& WHAT must let old Dependencies..patterns ..haunts ...behind !!

My live audience podcast is the eve of our Chinese New Year..The Rooster 🐓.

Join me as I bring out Astrological insights for all 12 signs!

YouTube Channel

Lighting the void radio 📻

Aquarius = Revolution..The rebel with a cause !

New bolder inventions ..future focused !

Internationally ..


Not..Govt..Dictator..Elitist dominations!!!

Power to the People !!!


Mystic Mary

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