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Mid -Summer themes

Mars in Gemini ♊️ 2024 Mars represents our mind interests..our style of learning..seeking knowledge..amping up our motivation to learn...

New Podcast !

July podcast!

Understanding our vulnerability expressions & defense modes! This Cancer ♋️/...

Feelings / Healings Your Star 🌟 Seer / Intuitive Mystic Mary Wizard is LIVE ! MONDAY 7-8...

July New Moon 🌚 2024

July 5th into July 8th.. I AM LIVE..7-8 / Monday eve 10pm thru Midnight Eastern time YouTube Channel Lighting the void radio !!! 2 hours...


WAYS TO LOVE YOURSELF - Relax. Place your hand on your heart, feel your heartbeat. Say 'I love you', whether silently or out loud, to...

Neptune 29 degrees Pisces ♓️ retrograde

NEPTUNE RETROGRADE IN PISCES ~ July and December, 2024 Watery Neptune, the Planet of Dreams and Illusions, is joining the Retrograde...

Relation -"Ships"

This 2024 Summer ☀️ Astrologically.. Equals =Sink or Swim time ! Stop DROWNING in Doubts !

Signs & Wonders !

Heaven to Earth 🌎 Our Solstice 2024 ignited over June 20-21st.. 4th Zodiac sign : Oceans of Emotions / Cancer ♋️ prioritizes feelings!

Soul-stice / Solstice Why Not? If death is inevitable, if it is a sure thing that this face, these hands, this...

Full Moon podcast

Tuesday night This is the first of TWO FULL MOONS In Capricorn!! Tune in 8pm Eastern...

Relationships 101

Mars in Taurus..Venus governs this Full Moon the peace ✌️ Learn to communicate with your loved ones .

June 14th -15th

Mercury Gemini ♊️ aligns to the Sun 🌞 in witty Gemini ! Say what needs to be said .. "Bring those facts.."receipts"! Lean into your God...

Inner Light 101

Gemini ♊️ Celestial season.. Mind games..Real Talk.. What & How we are processing ..understanding the "WHY" of what we do / & or ALLOW !...

Perspectives Gemini ♊️

Our profound alignment of 5 + Celestial energies spotlighting Gemini ♊️ June 2nd into this June 6th New Moon 🌚 Draws MAJOR ATTENTION &...

Medicine Fire 🔥

This short meditation exercise helps one to make connection to your Divine Sacred Teacher..& knowings ..

Jupiter enters Gemini ♊️ May 25th 2024

Astrologically..Jupiter is the "BEST OF "AGENT in our Celestial charts! Jupiter "expands" potential! Now..not since 2012 enters Air...

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