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Aries ♈️ 2024

Today, we celebrate the equinox!

We also step boldly into Aries season, a time of renewal, leadership, and initiating change. As we enter Aries season, you're reminded of the importance of self-assertion and decisive action.

With all planets moving direct until April 1st, this is a time of momentous growth and action. Yet, growth isn't always comfortable.

What's been keeping you stuck in stagnant cycles is coming to the surface and now requiring your attention. Tomorrow (March 20th), Mercury meets Chiron, the wounded healer, both in Aries. You may have anger bubbling to the surface. If you're an empath, especially, this is not the time to say "everything is okay" if it isn't. Talk it out!

We're also approaching eclipse season. Our first eclipse of the year is a Full Moon eclipse in Libra, bringing your attention to relationship dynamics. If you try to keep the peace at your own expense, you'll need to stand up for yourself and assert your needs.

As we are in Aries season, you are learning the value of putting yourself first. Make sure to touch base with your feelings before making any decisions. This upcoming eclipse will be a turning point for you. If you listen to your heart, you will be guided in a bold new direction.

Our current Eclipse cycle features the axis of Libra ♎️/ Aries ♈️

March 24th / 25th our Lunar Eclipse in Libra ♎️

Recalibration of partnerships.

Libra ♎️ is a mirror..we are seeking in a love ❤️ interest parts within our own self..

What we SEEK is where we long to give & receive in a loving encounter 💖

Aries cosmic season shows us how to honor our own desires & needs .

Eclipses AMPLIFY circumstances emotionally that implement drastic changes , especially where toxic patterns have become too entrenched !

Dramatic life changes happen to break up 💔 codependent/ enabling issues!

The Mars ruled sign of Aries ♈️ also teaches us whether our tempers are self destructive or..motivating toward optimal boundaries being set into motion!

To..THINE own self..BE TRUE !!!

Libra ♎️ is the polarity / opposite sign to Aries ♈️ is the diplomatic in your face BOLDNESS !

OUR Full Moon Eclipse is blooming in Libra ♎️ 5 degrees over March 25th..

This Lunar Eclipse will "SEED" our personal life choices surrounding intimate dynamics !

From March into July 2024 ..expect secrets ..romantic connections & needed farewells to ignite !!!

April 8th..our Aries / Mars ruled Solar Eclipse ✨️ launches !

Those Cardinal signs of Cancer ♋️ Capricorn ♑️ Libra ♎️ & Aries ♈️ born around the dates of the 10th -15th of April / October / July & January have both a spotlight & a mirror in hand !

Because it's TIME TO change daily habits you've been ignoring or afraid to face up to !!!

Aries is the courage to be the hero!

To..boldly Go where adventure beckons!

Now is that very Astrological pirate map that leads to treasure !

Secret treasures..pleasures .

Listen to my March eclipsed Full Moon podcast!

YouTube Channel

EnlightenUp Nicole Frolick

On April 8th..I'll be live on the broadcast

YouTube Channel

Lighting the void radio !

I'll be taking live audience calls & gifting my Astrological Analysis forecast for this Aries ♈️ Solar Eclipse in alignment with Chiron !

We heal those tender wounds!

It's an exploration of feelings !

Mystic Mary

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