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July 22-August 22 2016- Our powerful Leo "Lions Gate" cycle of divine calibrations!

Leo is our 8th sign of the zodiac-ruled by our galactic great star -The Sun!

Each year beginning July 26th , the celebrated Solar / Sirius star portal gateway opens!

Whatever (or where ever) we need a heroic or champion style energy rescue in our psychological / spiritual lives NOW comes forth with a sudden ROAR!

If in some way you have allowed a too abusive partnership or life situation to keep debilitating your precious emotions; The DIVINE LIGHT Warriors are coming force as enforcers!

Indeed-sudden startling (even chaotic) eruptions will arise in order to clear these destructive persons out of your path!

You see, you have become -to a greater or lesser degree; TOO much of an enabler -falling short in RESOLVING this negativity!

So Watchtower Angelic forces are set to intervene!

Take notice if you suddenly feel "sick" or need to recoup personal energies, this just might be your penchant for unconsciously "avoiding" facing the core issues at hand!


Be a hero -a champion for your OWN hearts interests!

Stand up for what or who is right!

Signs LEO/ AQUARIUS / SCORPIO & TAURUS are now in the most brilliant spotlight of impending changes!

ARIES/ LEO/ & SAGITTARIUS have a Supernatural protection- in other words; expect huge revelations & surprising support to roar in!

CANCER / CAPRICORN / L IBRA need to tame their expectation levels, give generously upon another rather than seeking that recognition yourself!

GEMINI / SAGITTARIUS/ VIRGO & PISCES have extreme emotional lessons to go through due to their FEAR of facing FACTS regarding ALL that is already "missing" in their life!

GEMINI needs to focus on the ISSUE more than the topic!

Authenticity is key to ultimate successful resolutions!

TAURUS has family issues or longstanding domestic tension to face up to,

to truly admit where they could negotiate better solutions.

VIRGO has entered an embryonic / labor style season of development.

It is VIRGO'S annual time of SOUL based awareness-wake up to self created destruction protocols.

August 2016 - especially up until the 17-19th is VIRGOS cycle of reform!

The labor procedure of painful pre-birth "pangs"realize a new birth is arriving!

LEO IS that rare energy of brave heart courage to overcome any odds!

Victory / adventures toward the BEST VERSION of your self!

KNOW THIS-Victory is achieved AFTER you battle those dark forces luring you into wrongful temptations of deceit!

LEO rules HOW we display our WILLPOWER in this life experience, choose wisely!

August key dates:

8-3-Mars enters Sagittarius, Uranus & Saturn are also in brother FIRE signs so our marketing skills are fabulous!

8-6th-7th-Mercury in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius, be reminded that "CALM" is a powerful energy in and of itself!


8-13-Karmic Sheriff Saturn turns DIRECT in Sagittarius, GAME ON regarding our current life / soul mission purposes!

8-14 /15th - VENUS squares Saturn & opposes Neptune- if you are a mutable sign-Virgo /Pisces /Gemini or Sagittarius- Prepare to negotiate some kind of battle field.

8-17 thru 19th- Partial LUNAR ECLIPSE 24-25 degrees of AQUARIUS:

Atmospheric energies are filled with innovation-creative futuristic humanitarian solutions vs. Ego driven dictatorial agendas!

May those heroes / freedom fighters/ advocates of truth win & unify!

August 22- SUN enters Earth sign VIRGO, there IS work now to be done, pay closer attention to those written details.

Fine tune your verbal skills.

8-29-Mercury ( our messenger ) turns RETROGRADE in Virgo-time to double check all appointment times, travel data & watch your words!

August is an "8" vibrational month .. The INFINITY symbol-

What goes forth returns to it sender!


Schedule YOUR own detailed consultation!

WHY not INVEST in your own self???!!!

I am skilled & happy to explain your best options!

Blessings upon you with gratitude!

Star Shaman /

Facebook pages- Star Shaman / Astrologer Mary Dusina / Cosmic Cowgirl

Lions Gate portal -7-26 / 8-12 2016

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