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Mars Retro

Mars goes retrograde every two years and now is the time for this special & rarest retrograde period. Mars is all about action, strength, courage, determination, libido, desire and also anger. A retrograde period means a shift in a planet’s behavior which affects us too. Mars is in the sign of Gemini since August 20th and will stay there during its retro phase. We will be unable to control our actions, the words we are saying, projects will be stalled because of lack of motivation and less action. Now it’s time to go within, take care of ourselves and our inner world so we will be able to focus on what truly matters for us (and not what we thought was important that was just pushing us deeper into burnout), the things that will make us feel the spark, passion and fire within, not drain our energy. This is a time to retract, observe, learn, look at the repressed anger that is keeping us stuck, notice the connections between things, ask how do they make us feel, is this who we are, etc. Get ready for some “non action” which might result in some drama and anger, but everything in your highest good so that you can figure out who you are, what you are doing (wrong) and what you really want to do.🤍🧡❤️

Mars energy is "implosive"..internally volatile when in retrograde; as Mars functions best moving direct.

In forward's our thrust, our engine surging onward..not inward !

In Gemini ♊️ this amplifies word play

Stresses the nervous systems due to

OVER THINKING matters / Worrying / feeling unable to control the outcome!

Your monkey mind mode can overload those nerve circuits rapidly !

Stop obsessing ..digestive issues..Irritated bowel or stomach upsets can roar up!

Check facts first as manipulative players are now out there seeking to "sell" you their bill of goods!

Playing the victim in distress in attempts to get your sympathetic cash resources!

Vampires...using silver tongued words to beguile!

Pay to play agendas..liars ..opportunistic snake oil salesmen!

Beware !

Stop aggressive driving 🚗..keep instead a defensive posture of alertness!

All "promises " big media stories will be " cloaked " with verbal disguises in order to HIDE THE FACTS !

Become your own sleuth..move in an investigative / detective mode as ; nothing is just " as it seems!"

On a higher frequency potential..

Our ability to have access to valuable mystical..spiritual revelations

.Soul level truths..insights are powerful!

Dream work..meditation exercises ..connection to / with our Angekic Host of Heaven is available for the sincere seeker.

Dive deeper with Sacred ceremony..prayerful Alchemy!

The "Bigger Picture' can be discovered as you go within.

Don't get conned by external instigators !

Keep true motives !

Do not second guess your first instinct!

Trust your intuition!

Not ..someone's sob stories !

Fact check 💯

Mystic Mary

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